How to request email and file restores from backup

How to request email and file restores from backup

Stuff happens, files get accidentally deleted, you need an older version of some document, or you need a file from an ex-employee's computer.  Providing your computer is configured correctly to use Microsoft One-Drive we make a backup of all of our files every weeknight.  The same goes for e-mail and SharePoint files. Upon request, we can bring these files or emails back from beyond.  Below we detail what is and what is not possible, and most important how to ask for it.

Requesting restores differs between when you are asking for one of your own files back, and when you are asking for someone else's files.

Requesting a restore

Each backup contains every file as it was on any given day.  Anything you can provide to help identify the specific file and date you want will help us fulfill your request quickly.  You are the most familiar with how your files are organized and that can be a big help.  This is basically three W's.  What, When, and Where.

What - any specificity on the exact file or email you are looking for helps us narrow it down.  File name or email subject / sender for instance.  While it is great if you have the exact name, we can work with what you can provide.

When - we have a copy from each night of every file.  If you just want the most recent, that works.  If you need an older one let us know the date.  For emails, when is even more important.  Narrowing it as much as possible helps us find it.  We don't want to look through every email over the past year.

Where - If the item was in a folder in your Documents, or a subfolder in your inbox... let us know.  If you are not sure, we will do our best.  But at the worst that means looking at every folder you have ever had individually

Examples of good requests
Examples of bad requests
Restore the most recent file from my "accounts" folder named "all sales.xls"
Restore emails from that arrived between 1/8/2023 and 2/1/2023
Restore the file named "Sales2023.xls" from BEFORE 8/1/2023.
I need my report restored from before last week.
I lost an email from John, can you get it back?
A file is missing, please put it back.

Send the above information in an email to and we will take it from there.

Requesting restores from other employees for files

Requests for file data from other employees must be made by the individual's manager or above.  Please have them submit the request following the above instructions.
The same process is followed in this case, however the target employee has to be noted.  For privacy reasons we can only honor requests from the individuals manager or above.  The manager may request a coworker be given the file as part of the request.

Follow the process identified above but include the name of the target employee.

Requesting restores from other employees for email

In addition to the request coming from the employee's manager or above, requests for historical emails must be cleared by Human Resources.
The same process of identifying the emails must be completed, but the request will instead be sent to  Human resources will evaluate the request and forward to I.T. for processing if approved.  This allows us to maintain some privacy for employees and ensuring that personal information is not included in a restore.

For these requests, specificity is very important to narrow down the scope of what will be restored.  If a wide-ranging request ("All emails from 2022") is allowed by HR, they will also need to review the restore before handing it over.  This is done to ensure that any personal confidential communications are not accidentally restored. 

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